Mount nfs partition in Linux (NTFS) CentOS

Is your Pendrive formatted with NTFS format and its not detecting in your Linux Machine, or you are trying to mount your External HDD which has HPFS/NTFS or NFS filesytem and not mouting manually or automatically in your Linux machine, No need to worry – everything is Ok with your machine you just only need to install drivers so linux machine can read this NTFS file system.

So here is your answer for How to Mount nfs partition in Linux

This particular test is performed on CentOs 6.5

Installing NTFS-3G drivers

# yum install ntfs-3g

Install FUSE to automount detected NTFS drives

# yum install fuse
# modprobe fuse

How to Mount NTFS partition or Drive Manually

# mkdir /mnt/ntfs
# mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt/ntfs

How to UnMount Drive using umount

# umount /mnt/ntfs

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