How to Install Centos 6.5 64bit on VMWare, VMPlayer, Desktop or Laptop
Here I tried my best to explain how to install Linux on VMWare or VMPlayer. Here used linux version is Centos 6.5, Initial Pictures show yu how to do it in VMWare and rest of procedure is same as for all other machines like Physically on Desktop or Laptop.
First you need to create a new machine
Then go with express install
Then click on next
Then give a name to your virtual machine and Give it a name like I give it same to remember which operating system it is
Then provide it at least 32 GB so you will not going to face any issues while attempting installs due to lack of space and just only to let you know that the provided space to it is not allocated on your Hard Drive on the spot, Actual space will be consumed as used by you.
You can customize your hardware if required as I changed the networking from NAT to Bridge so that It will use the common IP series so I access it on common LAN from other machines.
Then you need to click on Start machine so you can start with Installation.
Here you see the next steps in continue to this in Next post – How to Install Linux Centos 6.5